Professional Myofascial Release Strong Suction Vacuum Cupping

2 years ago

AITE cupping system is designed for beginners,intermediate&the Pro Cupper. is made of extra thick hypoallergenic silicone.

Strong Suction design vacuum cupping, it's professional for myofascial release. with a silicone body massager, it's nice for anti cellulite.

Therapeutic Benefits

A. ~ Relieves muscle pain and tight fascia

B. ~ Increases blood circulation therefore reducing inflammation & toxins and increasing oxygen & energy flow

C. ~ Promotes removal of metabolic waste

D. ~ Loosen and releases adhesions

E. ~ Breaks up and expels toxins

F. ~ Improves the flow of lymphatic fluid

G. ~ Relaxes the Nervous System and reduces anxiety

H. ~ Can reduce stretch marks, scars, cellulite and adhesions

I. ~ Increases energy flow (Prana / qi)


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Product details

Modern Cupping meets Ancient Wisdom - Cupping is an ancient Chinese method of massage for comfort. Cupping Therapy, the technique is beneficial and exceptionally safe and can be quickly learned and introduced into your health practices. The new cups have not only enhanced adequacy but also simplified the procedures of cupping therapy. They are easier to be handled and more secure to be utilized for a massage at home. In China, the new containers are exceptionally popular for family cupping massage. Does cupping hurt? The experience is not billed as a relaxing one – “It’s not like a massage, so you’re not going to be very relaxed, it’s not going to be therapeutic in that way, this is a treatment." Cupping Therapy Activate Lymphatic Systems Regular usage, a professional cupping system can help improve your circulation which impacts lymphatic systems throughout your body. These can include muscle, joint, neck, and lower back areas; as well as sectors that cause headaches or migraines. Cupping Therapy Increase Circulation and Energy By improving your natural circulation and detoxifying the body, you can improve your mobility by reducing injury or stress recovery times. It can also help impact your mood and ability to get deeper, more enjoyable sleep.


a. Do not leave the cups in one spot for more then 5 minutes

b. Do not cup pregnant women or children under 7yrs

c. Do not cup people with thin or delicate skin

d. Do not apply cup over a cut, abrasion, ulcer, open wound, recent surgical scars or if the skin is very sensitive

e. Do not cup directly over varicose veins, arteries, skin inflammation

f. Do not cup if there are bleeding disorders such as haemophilia, blood clotting, leukaemia, deep vein thrombosis or history of strokes, or are on blood thinners

g. Do not cup if suffering's from active cancer

h. Do not apply these cups to the face

i. A sensation should be felt but not pain.  If there is pain lighten the suction of the cup or leave it stationary, do not slide the cup if there is pain