Dentist chooses Foshan Roson unit

2 years ago

Olga Zemlyakova presents the Foshan Roson dental chair to doctors.

This workshop enables dentists to visually and practically evaluate the capabilities of dental equipment, 

confident of key opportunities to improve patient comfort and well-being, as well as the benefits and convenience of dentists. 

 During the workshop, doctors studied the operation of using the comprehensive treatment equipment, participated in demonstrations 

and detailed discussions at each stage of use, focusing on dental chairs, working with different sets of teeth, suction, complete equipment 

and options in the workplace equipment for the most effective results.

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No.9 Henggui Mid-road, Lianhe industrail Zone,Nanhai,Foshan,Guangzhou Province.
Product details

Exclusive representation of clients in Russia to present our roson dental chairs to doctors.

Dentex is a group of companies that includes a large partner network, a building and construction bureau, a service center and a vocational training base. 

 During a long process of work, the Dentex group of companies set itself the most ambitious tasks: sales growth, development of a regional network of partners, 

training, creation of new types of services and the search for innovative product lines, implementation and adaptation of modern technological solutions. 

And the main evaluation of our work is the high authority of our partners and colleagues.

The Dentex group of companies has been operating in the Russian medical market for over 28 years and is one of the largest suppliers of medical and dental equipment.