Automatic Spaghetti pasta making extruder machine

2 years ago

Automatic Spaghetti pasta making  extruder  machine  just tested in our factory for inpecting.

This extruder is fully automatic with high capacity.

The raw materails can be wheat flour, corn starch etc.

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Dougou Industrial Area,Dangyang Road,Shizhong District,Jinan City,Shandong Province,China.
Product details

Automatic Spaghetti pasta making  extruder  machine 

Our company just tested Automatic Spaghetti pasta making  extruder  machine  in our factory 

In the current outbreak is serious, the international situation is serious, many customers who order equipment can not come to the factory inspection, in order to let customers buy the rest assured that we will be in each equipment before the export of all operation testing, so that customers can rest assured.

Today our factory tested the automatic spaghetti pasta making extruder machine. 

If you are also interested in this machine and need more details, welcome you consult us!