Gel Memory Foam & Hard Foam Encased Mattress manufacturer

4 years ago

Gel Memory Foam & Hard Foam Encased Mattress manufacturer RAYSON will present you with the specific details of spring mattress.RAYSON has professional production workshops and great production technology. spring mattress we produce, in line with the national quality inspection standards, has reasonable structure, stable performance, good safety, and high reliability. It is also available in a wide range of types and specifications. Customers' diverse needs can be fully fulfilled.

Company Advantages

1. Gel Memory Foam of Rayson Mattress memory foam coil sprung mattress meets the highest standards in the rubber and plastic industry. These standards are strictly enforced and monitored by our dedicated quality team.

2. This product features a stable construction. Its shape and texture are unaffected by temperature variations, pressure, or any form of collision.

3. Hard Foam Encased Mattress features easy maintenance. It uses finishes that have good resistance to common solvents and removing certain stains with these solvents is acceptable.

4. This reliable and sturdy product does not need repetitive repairs in a short course of time. Users can be assured of safety when they are using it.

5. The product is designed in a way to make people's lives easier and more comfortable because it provides proper size and functionality.

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Rayson Industrial Zone, Huasha Road, Shishan, Foshan High-Tech Zone, Guangdong, China.