Dongguan Huitong Automatic Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd.
Dongguan Huitong Automatic Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd.
Profile : Huitong Automation Headquarters is located in Wanjiang Health Protection Industrial Park, Dongguan, ranked 18th among the top 100 cities in China. Dongguan is a quasi first tier city located in the core of the Pearl River Delta Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration, including Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. The government focuses on supporting the development of high-end electronic information, intelligent equipment, semiconductor industry, and information and software service industry. Huitong Automation has been rooted in Dongguan for 16 years and has always been one of the leading suppliers of ultrasonic automation technology in China. We have unique technology in the field of composite welding and embossing of non-woven and textile fabrics, and have also demonstrated outstanding performance in various material fusion, edge sealing technology, and whole line packaging solutions. The company has 5 national direct sales locations and its products are exported to 48 countries and regions overseas. Adhering to the concept of "lean production", we continuously iterate and update our product system. With user needs as the core and market orientation, We have provided over 10000 quality stable automation equipment and thoughtful "360 after-sales worry free" service to global customers.
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