Month-old diapers, a new growth point or a marketing gimmick?

2 years ago

Baby diapers are necessary for babies. When choosing diapers, many new mothers will always ask, what model should they choose?  Recently, the concept of "month-old diapers" appeared on the market, I believe that you have heard of it more or less, and its emergence has indeed encountered a lot of "controversy".  

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Meilin Jiande Industry Area, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.
Product details

Under the background of consumption upgrading, consumers' consumption level is also improving day by day.  The diaper market is increasingly mature, consumers have become more "exquisite", which is also the power source of the emergence of industry segmentation products.  The emergence of month-old diapers proves this...  


According to us, this one-month diaper is divided into three months of age, newborn care period (0-3 months), thin and soft baby care period (over 3 months), and school travel period (over 7 months). According to the development state of babies in different months, different characteristics of diapers are designed.  

Traditional diapers only distinguish between size and age, but this diaper is segmented by age.  This kind of segmentation of diapers by month age is "rare" in the market, but before that, the innovation in the functional refinement of diaper brands is nothing new.  Although these nappies that do "homework" in the subdivision are novel in "entry point", they are always controversial, and many consumers do not receive high recognition.