how to dry astragalus by IKE food dehydrator

3 years ago
Astragalus is native to Asia and its roots have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Here show you how to dry astragalus by IKE WHR-1200A food dehydrator.
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Astragalus is native to Asia and its roots have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It has anti-cancer properties, supports detoxification, has a good nourishing effect on the liver, and can increase the number of male sperm. Here show you how to dry astragalus by IKE food dehydrator. IKE WHR-1200A food dehydrator can dry 1000kg of fresh astragalus at a time. The customer first builds his own drying room, then pushes the WHR-1200A into the drying room and connects it to the power supply for drying. Wash the fresh astragalus and cut into small pieces, place them on trays, push them into the drying room, set the temperature and target humidity, then wait for the drying result. The WHR-1200A drying room is completely sealed, and the astragalus is dry without pollution and improves product quality. Dry astragalus is an easy job if you use IKE food dehydrator. Just contact us!