Sausage Drying By IKE Commercial Meat Dehydrator Machine

3 years ago
Here show you sausage drying by IKE WRH-300G commercial meat dehydrator machine.
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Here show you sausage drying by IKE WRH-300G commercial meat dehydrator machine. We hung the marinated sausages on the shelf and put them in a drying room. There is a commercial meat dehydrator machine in a drying room. A commercial meat dehydrator machine can dry 200kg to 350kg of fresh sausage. IKE commercial meat dehydrator machine uses medium and low temperature drying sausage. The dried sausage has a beautiful color and will not be mildewed during the shelf life. If you want to buy a sausage dehydrator, IKE commercial meat dehydrator machine is your best choice.